biblioteca menu por temas Menu Início Antropologia da gestação e do parto Assistência Perinatal Assoalho pélvico Cesárea Diastase abdominal Exercícios físicos na gestação Gestação – Anatomia e biomecânica Hipertensão na gravidez e suas complicações Humanização do Parto e do Nascimento Parto: estudos sobre posição materna e apresentação fetal Pelve (geral) Planos de parto Prática Baseada em Evidências (PBE) Pressão intra-abdominal Psicologia perinatal Questões sociais e psiconeuroendocrinologia Sistema Respiratório Técnicas de Relaxamento Trabalho de parto e parto Violência obstétrica Assoalho pélvico Pelvic floor tissue damping during running using an intra-vaginal accelerometry approach (2022) studies JULIE WIEBE 2020-2023 (resumos de 3 estudos) Hip exercises improve intravaginal squeeze pressure in older women (Tuttle 2019) On a potential morpho-mechanical link between the gluteus maximus muscle and pelvic floor tissues Architectural design of the pelvic floor is consistent with muscle functional subspecialization (Tuttle 2013) The role of the obturator internus muscle in pelvic floor function Tuttle 2016) Comparing Resisted Hip Rotation WithPelvic Floor Muscle Training in Women With Stress Urinary Incontinence Pelvic floor injury during vaginal birth is life altering and preventable (de Lancey 2023) Prevalence of urinary incontinence in female CrossFit athletes (systematic review with meta‐analysis 2022) Antenatal perineal massage risk of perineal injuries pain urinary incontinence and dyspereunia (systematic review 2023) The role of Obesity on Urinary and Anal Incontinence in women (Doumouchtsis 2021) Prevalence of urinary incontinence worldwide Levator ani avulsion (Da Silva 2018) Levator ani avulsion (Da Silva 2015) Are hypopressive and other exercise programs effective for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse (2022 Bø) Effectiveness of Hypopressive Exercises in Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction_A Randomised Controlled Trial (2020) Evidence for increased tone or overactivity of pelvic floor muscles in pelvic health conditions- a systematic review 2022 (resumo apenas) The Continuity of the Body_Hypothesis of Treatment of the Five Diaphragms Hip and Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength in Women with and without Urgency and Frequency Predominant Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Characterizing-Pelvic Floor Muscle Activity During Walking and Jogging in Continent Adults What Pelvic Floor Muscle Training Load is Optimal in Minimizing Urine Loss in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence Pelvic Floor Muscle Performance, Hip Mobility, and Hip Strength in Women With and Without Self-Reported Stress Urinary Incontinence_hartigan2019 Conservative prevention and management of pelvic organ prolapse in women (Cochrane Review)_hagen2011 Comparisons of approaches to pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women (Cochrane Review)_hay-smith2011 Task specific differences in respiration-related activation of the deep and superficial pelvic floor muscles (hodges 2019) The Continuity of the Body_Hypothesis of Treatment of the Five Diaphragms (Bordoni 2015) Fascial continuity of the pelvic floor with the abdominal and lumbar region urinary and fecal incontinence among female gymnasts and cheerleaders_skaug2021.pdf The Female Pelvic Floor Fascia Anatomy_A Systematic Search and Review MR Imaging–based Assessment of the Female Pelvic Floor Stability-continence-and-breathing (D. Lee) Long-term effect of first childbirth on pelvic floor muscle function_ cross-sectional study LIFETIME PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND FEMALE STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE_SUI_NYGAARD2015 Lifestyle advice with or without pelvic floor muscle training for pelvic organ prolapse (due2015) Pelvic organ prolapse - a review Australia 2015 Too tight to give birth? (K Bo 2013) Development of a Biotensegrity Focused Therapy for the Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse_crowle2019 Anatomic study of arcus tendineus fasciae pelvis occelli2001 Comparative anatomy on 3-D MRI of the urogenital sinus and the periurethral area before and during the second stage of labor during childbirth_maran2017 Is abdominal hypopressive technique effective in the prevention and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction_Marketing or evidence from high- quality clinical trials_Bo 2017 The on-going debate about the usefulness of abdominal hypopressive technique on pelvic floor dysfunction Epi-no and pelvic floor trauma (kamisanatan2016) Eficacia de la gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva en la rehabilitación del suelo pélvico de las mujeres Ankle positions potentially facilitating greater maximal contraction of pelvic floor muscles (SR & MA) kannan2018 Effects of Stabilization Exercises Focusing on Pelvic Floor Muscles on Low Back Pain and Urinary Incontinence in Women_(ghaderi2016) Association between lumbopelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction in women_dufour2018 Pelvic Floor Disorders 5–10 Years After Vaginal or Cesarean Childbirth A community-based epidemiological survey of female urinary incontinence_hannestad2000 Pelvic floor muscle motor unit recruitment_Kegels vs specialized movement Pelvic floor muscle training for prevention and treatment of urinary and faecal incontinence in antenatal and postnatal women (woodley2017) Postpartum pelvic floor muscle training and urinary incontinence_ a randomized controlled trial (hilde2013) Rehabilitation for pelvic floor core muscles through Low Pressure Fitness (ARTIGO FRACO!!!) short term PFM function after birth (Drussio 2020) The efficacy of pelvic floor muscle training for pelvic organ prolapse_li2015 The Clitoris—An Appraisal of its Reproductive Function During the Fertile Years The Female Pelvic Floor Fascia Anatomy_A Systematic Search and Review (2021) The iceberg of health care utilization in women with urinary incontinence_minassian2012 The relationship between involuntary pelvic floor muscle activity, muscle awareness and experienced threat There is not yet strong evidence that exercise regimens other than pelvic floor muscle training can reduce stress urinary incontinence in women_Bo 2013 Urinary Incontinence Among Group Fitness Instructors Including Yoga and Pilates Teachers_B-_et_al-2011-Neurourology_and_Urodynamics Urinary incontinence as a worldwide problem_minassian2003 Yoga_Biophysiological Effects on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms_ A Scoping Review