prenatal somatics
This training made me fall in love again with movement during pregnancy. I love my job but now with new tools, a new approach, it is completely different. An excellent teacher takes you there!
(Ana Sofia, physiotherapist, Portugal)
This training is based on 18 years of experience in caring for pregnant women and training professionals. We are committed to maintaining and updating this content on a continual basis.
8 online (live) sessions and a 4 days immersion, in person, either in Sao Paulo, Brazil or Lisbon, Portugal.
This unique course encourages the participant to feel and listen, but also to question and reflect upon the rich content. You will learn an approach that can adapt to each client and context with excellence and attention to detail as your foundation.

- Unique somatic education technics that you will be able to use while teaching pilates, yoga, physical education, childbirth preparation workshops, one-to-one sessions, amongst others
- New tools to facilitate childbirth
- Pregnancy and childbirth physiology, including the nervous system
- An understanding of the biopsychosocial factors at play
- Why psychoneuroendocrinology is so important
- Mobility and body awareness exercises
- Exercises for everyday life
- A new way to look at the pelvic floor
- Breathing and relaxation techniques
- Learning to listen for a better care experience
- Class plans and sequences
- Recommendations for physical activities during pregnancy
- Common ailments and complications: what you can do
- Psychology of pregnancy and childbirth
- Paradigms of humanized childbirth and birth care
- Historical references
- How to develop a professional practice
- Ethics, inclusion and reproductive rights
- A new family and continuous support!
– 40 hours of live vídeos, with theorical and practical lessons
– A selection of prenatal somatics recorded classes
– 40 hours in-person training in Sao Paulo or Lisbon (choose where you want to participate)
– Classes with guest instructors
– Continuous support during the entire duration of the training through our dedicated whatsapp group
– 400 pages training textbook
– Exclusive online platform where you can access the course content for one year
– Access to an extensive online library with selected references
- What surprised me most was Anne's openness to exchange ideas and experiences... Her attentive and affectionate listening. The research data she brings gives depth to the course and expands the students' knowledge. (anonymous, Brazil)

- Anne is a very valuable person, she has in herself a search for knowledge, a capacity to discover, develop and offer. I admire the gift she has for teaching, giving us a direction, guiding us within this universe. (anonymous, Brazil)
- – HOW: online and in-person in Sao Paulo or Lisbon
- – WHEN*:
- – 8 bi-weekly online (live) sessions, on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, from January to April 2025
- – in-person immersions in LISBOA (May 01 to 04, 2025) or in SAO PAULO (4 days in August 2025)
- – FOR WHO: movement professionals, somatic practitioners, healthcare professionals with experience in movement practice.
- – COURSE LOAD: 100 hours
– EXCLUSIVE: Special discount. Until August 31st, 2024 pre-registration only.
– EARLY BIRD: 10% discount. From September 1st to October 31st, 2024 (spots are limited)
– REGULAR: From October 31st, 2024.